Introducing the brand new Local Conservative 100 Club!
Established to raise regular income for the Local Conservative constituencies, the money will help to fund campaign projects, local and general elections.
- One 100 Club number is £5.00 per month.
- Members can have up to 5 numbers.
- Membership is paid quarterly or annually by standing order.
- The draw is held monthly and there are 3 prizes each month of £75, £50 and £25.
- In addition, there is a Christmas draw each December with a single prize of £250.
- Winnings are paid by bank transfer.
- Winners’ numbers are published online, http://localconservatives.org.uk/100-club
- A full list of 100 Club rules can be found on the Local Conservatives website.
To join the club, please complete the form below.
Remember, to be eligible for the next draw, payment must be made before the end of the month.
Kirklees Conservative group bank details;
Sort Code 20-89-68
Account Number 50841153
Barclays Bank