It’s easy to repeat a line that sounds ‘about right’ or reinforces a worldview, but should we stop to check that what we’re being told is true?
There are conflicting reports surrounding local government funding, especially Kirklees council funding, so we’ve analysed the audited ‘Statement of Accounts’ going back to 2004. You can do the same here: https://www.kirklees.gov.uk/beta/delivering-services/budget-and-accounts.aspx.
As we bust the myths spouted by Kirklees Council’s Labour leadership, let’s not forget the note left at the end of the last Labour government:
‘I’m afraid there is no money’ - Liam Byrne, Labour Chief Secretary to the Treasury under Gordon Brown.
We read the comments and we hear Labour Councillors devoid of fresh ideas opting for soundbites, so we’ve picked some common myths - the answers might surprise you;
Myth #1 - Central govt has slashed council funding / Corrupt Tory party starved councils of cash
Fact - Government funding for Kirklees is higher in 2022/2023 than it was in 2011/2012 and more than double what it was in 2004/2005.
The red dots show settlements from a Labour central government and blue dots from a Conservative government.
Figures in the graph and table are £’000s
Myth #2 - The Government has cut its grant to Kirklees by £1 billion since 2010
Fact - Funding has increased on average every year since 2011/12.
Funding actually dropped by £42 million in 2010/2011 under the last budget from the Gordon Brown Labour Government.
Despite an estimated population growth of 10%, Government funding has more than doubled since 2004.
Myth #3 - All councils are struggling / only Labour councils are struggling
Fact - You don’t have to go far to see that this is just not true. Barnsley, Wakefield and Halifax are all Labour-run, and while not perfect, have thriving town centres and have leadership that have taken strategic long-term decisions.
They are not closing libraries, leisure centres or care homes.
Only the Kirklees Labour administration has a ‘managed decline’ mindset and their only reaction is to blame anyone but themselves for the current situation.
Other areas have a vision and a growth plan for the future, for example, Barnsley have up to three hours of free parking in town centre off-street car parks on Saturdays and Sundays.
Other areas have attractive business rates and encourage growth and investment. Why not Kirklees?
Myth #4 - This Labour administration knows how to handle finances and manage large-scale investment projects
Fact - The external Auditors were scathing in their recent assessment of how this Labour-run administration managed their finances;
reflects a higher level of reduction in reserves than we consider prudent and will leave the Council with limited ability to absorb future shocks.
a significant weakness in how the authority plans and manages its resources
and from 25th November 2023
We have not been able to satisfy ourselves that the Council has made proper arrangements for securing economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources.
Not long after their report, Cllr Paul Davies, who was in charge of finances was sacked from his role and we hope he is now turning all his attention to fixing the mess he created.
Myth #5 - A Labour government would fund the councils ‘properly’
Fact - In no uncertain terms this is not true. Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves has vowed to keep a ‘vice-like grip on spending’, plainly admitting there would be no financial rescue packages from any potential Labour government. (https://youtu.be/ZspF23wS064?si=TCT21V86L4wsRTP4&t=338)
Updated Fact -
Anyone expecting a Labour government 'to quickly turn on the spending taps' would be disappointed.
Sir Keir Starmer, 4/12/23. Taken from 'Labour won't turn on spending taps, says Starmer' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-67608097
Myth #6 - Kirklees Labour claim 'It’s everyone else’s fault but ours'
Fact - As the external auditors noted in their recent assessments, that’s not true.
This Labour administration have continually looked to deflect and blame anyone it can for its failures and is now reacting with poorly thought-out knee-jerk plans:
- Hiking parking charges by 70%. In one go, not incrementally. Not adjusting them since 2009!
- Descoping the 'Huddersfield Blueprint' after underaccounting for inflation
- Delayed starting the Holmfirth regeneration plan after not agreeing to costs with the developers
- Hiking kennel fees by 500%, risking business livelihoods - not incrementally or making allowances for smaller businesses
- Hiking allotment fees by 600%
Where is the long-term plan and sound financial management?
Why not gradually increase service and parking charges year on year?
This highlights that the shambolic leadership never had a plan, never had a clue and makes it clear, now more than ever, that it is time for fresh leadership in Kirklees.
Note to editors
- Analysis was completed on the Audited Statement of Accounts, listed on https://www.kirklees.gov.uk/beta/delivering-services/budget-and-accounts.aspx
- Summarised in this sheet, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oqb5Wj0IpTHFW5fNq0vwZAdyy0HQ2DhUvr55ZgB0bO0/edit#gid=0
- Corporate Governance and Audit Committee, 6 July 2023, page 76, https://democracy.kirklees.gov.uk/documents/g7340/Public%20reports%20pack%2014th-Jul-2023%2010.00%20Corporate%20Governance%20and%20Audit%20Committee.pdf
- Corporate Governance and Audit Committee, 21 September 2023, page 33, https://democracy.kirklees.gov.uk/documents/g7341/Public%20reports%20pack%2029th-Sep-2023%2010.00%20Corporate%20Governance%20and%20Audit%20Committee.pdf
- Corporate Governance and Audit Committee, 24 November 2023, page 3, https://democracy.kirklees.gov.uk/documents/s54417/17.%20Kirklees%20Council-%20AFR%202022-23.pdf
- For quotes, please email [email protected]