On 2nd May, you have a chance to vote for a positive vision for our area.
For far too long everything has been negative.
Despite increased Government funding, the failing Labour leadership have closed leisure centres, hiked up car parking charges, not filling grit bins, have a poor record on bin collections, have wasted money on metal trees and even been criticised by independent auditors for their financial mismanagement.
We can have your local Councillors making the decisions that impact you and your family by splitting Kirklees and having local accountability.
A fresh new Conservative-led Council will:
- Fix the finances. Stop the culture of waste, manage the finances better and put residents first.
- Repair the roads. Conservatives will ensure funding from the government for fixing potholes will be used to repair our roads.
- Empower Local Communities. Conservatives will look to split Kirklees, empowering local communities to set their own priorities.
- Reinvent Kirklees Active Leisure. Conservatives will save our Leisure Centres, working with community groups and businesses with fresh ideas bringing in private investment.
- Reduce Council Housing Waiting Lists. Conservatives will reduce waiting lists by helping tenants move out and buy their own homes.
- Increase recycling rates. Conservatives will make repair, reuse and recycle more of who we are as a council.
What do you think?