Labour is failing Kirklees. Our towns and villages are suffering because of Labour's chaotic mess. They have failed our public services.
Not content with failure, they are determined as ever to hike our council tax by the maximum amount, for the 9th year in a row, to help pay for it. The Band D charge has risen by 46% in 10 years.
They’ll blame ‘Tory cuts’. The uncomfortable fact is that Kirklees lags way behind neighbouring Labour councils like Barnsley, Halifax and Wakefield. Mismanagement and a failure to listen to the public is the root cause. We’ve suffered from a wasted decade whilst Labour did nothing, now they want to borrow, borrow, borrow, just at the time when interest rates are rising and construction costs soar.
That’s why we’re bringing forward a package of measures that will make a difference to you. A difference to the public services you receive from your council.
Christmas bin collections, 30 minutes free parking, reducing flytipping with better hours at recycling centres. Just some of the policies that make a direct impact on your life.
Only Kirklees Conservatives have forward-looking ideas.
We would review the £250 million ‘Huddersfield Blueprint’ project and spread that investment across all of Kirklees. This investment is only focussed on Huddersfield town centre. It’s time for all our towns and villages to see their fair share.
Since 2009, Labour has failed to deliver basic services. The state of the roads, the dour state of our centres, the poor maintenance of our parks.
A Conservative administration would give control back to communities.
We would let Ward Councillors spend funds on what matters to local people, making them directly accountable to the residents who elect them.
No longer would Councillors be restricted to what a Labour Cabinet told them to do, we would give back control to communities.
So for Christmas bin collections, 30 minutes free parking and a more service focussed, locally accountable council - Vote Conservative on 4th May.
Leader of the Kirklees Conservative councillors, Cllr David Hall said,
We continue to listen to residents, and they remain angry with many of the current poor services this Labour-controlled council continues to provide.
Too much focus and money has been placed on the development of vanity projects rather than providing strong and effective local services that really make a difference to people’s lives.
We also believe that it is unreasonable for the administration to, yet again, impose the maximum possible Council Tax rise on residents, especially given the current financial pressures people are already experiencing.
Cllr John Taylor, the Conservatives’ Deputy Leader added,
Our plan includes a reversal of Labur’s proposal to reduce tip opening times and will ensure that bins are emptied over Christmas week, just as they are across the rest of West Yorkshire.
We’ll provide free parking for the first 30 minutes to encourage residents to visit their local town and village centres, supporting small businesses across Kirklees.
We would also reverse Labour’s plan cut in the winter maintenance budget as it is essential that everyone is able to stay safe during bad weather.
Labour are focused on large scale vanity projects while neglecting the ongoing maintenance of our towns and villages. Their failure to maintain the fabric of Kirklees will lead to an increase in the costs of fixing problems later down the line.
We would ensure that the Council is run efficiently and that providing local services are taken care of as a priority, not as an afterthought.
Our Promises
- Lower council tax rise of 2%. Labour want to hike our council tax by the highest amount for the 9th year in a row. The Band D charge has risen by 46% in 10 years!
- Increased investment in the highways resurfacing programme, to address the poor state of our roads
- Cancelling Labour’s cuts to the winter maintenance programme, supporting communities when the weather becomes challenging
- Free parking for the first 30 minutes, to encourage shoppers and boost the local economy
- Cancelling Labour’s cuts to recycling centres, making it easier to dispose of rubbish and reducing fly-tipping
- Re-introduce Christmas bin collections, making it easier for families over the Christmas period